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Swap Don’t Shop

Last week was the Mid-Service Conference (MSC) for my group.  Three times during our service, we get together for additional training, program check-in and for the MSC and COS (Close of Service), they provide information about planning for work/school when we return to the States.  All of that is nice enough but the best part is getting to get together with everyone again.  Depending on where people live on the island, it may be the only times during the service where I will see them.  One of the highlights for me was a Clothing Swap that the ladies of G83 organized.  We have been on island now for 16 months and mostly wearing the same clothes that we brought with us.  There has been the occasional flashy Jamaican article but there isn’t too much shopping we can do on our budget.

STEP ONE: the ladies bring clothes that they don’t wear but are still in good condition.  Arrange the clothes in a fetching manor.  Let the group brose the wares.


STEP TWO: The person the brought the most items gets to go first and chooses one item.  Followed by the second most and so on and so forth.  After the entire group has gone, another round and then another.  After three rounds, it was a just a “if you want it take it” free for all.


STEP THREE:  Move to the accessories/ect. table that included books, magazines, nail polish, seeds, spices and all kinds of fun stuff.  Forgo the complicated system and everyone just grab a couple of things.   All the items that were left were donated to one of the partner organizations that holds thrift sales to raise money.DSC01725

All in all, I think the Swap was a great success and I honestly thing it is a thing that other Peace Corps groups should try.  The best part was the next day seeing people wearing their ‘new’ clothes and watching the double takes as a we were so used to someone else wearing it.

BONUS:  One of my group mates Michelle (whose blog you can find here), is an incredibly talented filmaker and she made this great video during MSC about what we have learned while in Jamaica.  It’s fun.  Have fun watching it.